In diesem Glossar finden Sie Erläuterungen zu wichtigen Begriffen des Taxigewerbes. Häufig werden Sie von anderen Bereichen unserer Website zur Vertiefung hierher umgeleitet. Sie können sich hier aber auch gerne einen Gesamtüberblick verschaffen.
With the rise of smartphones, booking cabs via app became more important for the taxi industry as well. Depending on the respective provider, they allow ordering and managing rides, a live view of the booked cab and even payment via the options registered within the app. Moreover, there may exist comfort functions like driver rating or creating of advance orders.
Quality of booking via app varies greatly depending on region and app provider. They work with single drivers, taxi companies or a dispatch center with all connected vehicles. Availability of functions depends on provider and linked companies.
We work exclusively with the app which is an integral part of our dispatching system. Orders are transmitted directly in our system, the customer can watch the approaching cab within the app.
A boarder (coll.) is a passenger who boards a cab at the taxi station or hails one from the road. On the contrary are rides who are accepted as assignments which leads to the cab driving directly to the customer to carry out the order.
Bus Stop
Taxis may utilize the bus lane as long as it is permitted for the corresponding lane by the additional traffic sign "Taxi frei". If this is not the case, taxis will be able to hold for a short time for boarding and deboarding of passengers. However, the bus traffic must not be disturbed under any circumstances. Thus, a longer waiting period at a bus stop is not allowed.
Carriage Obligation
Within the obligatory driving area all cabs are subject to the obligation to carry. This liability allows only a few exceptions:
- Very drunk passenger, whose safe transport appears uncertain
- Aggressive behaviour which leads to the driver feeling threatened
- Smoking in the cab
- Ride ends outside the obligatory driving area
However, refusal of the transport in the latter case is very unlikely.
Lost & Found
Items lost in the cab are commonly called "Lost and Found".
In general, the driver is obliged to search his cab for lost items after every transport. However, a normal inspection is sufficient, very small items could still be overlooked. (BOKraft §11)
After a later discovery these items must be handed over to the lost property office "without delay". This means a period of time in which the return is possible without undue delay, the upper limit often being up to two weeks. (BGB §978, para. 1)
Mandatory driving area
Our mandatory driving area consists of all districts of the City of Wolfsburg, including the special districts Allerpark and VW-Factory (Map). Rides within this area are subject to the tariff and carriage obligation. Regardless of the cab used this area requires enabling the gauged taximeter, which leads to reliably calculated fares.
Operating obligation
Cabs are subject to an operating obligation, which ultimately means that they have to actually conduct their business. Moreover, the cabs must be maintained in a safe and roadworthy condition. (PBefG §21)
Provided that the demand for cabs is not satisfied, the City of Wolfsburg is entitled to establish a binding working schedule for the taxi companies. (Taxi ordinance §4, para. 2)
Since introduction of the obligation of seat belts in 1976, an exception for taxi drivers has existed for a long time to allow them to get easier to safety in case of danger. However, this has been changed with effect from 30.10.2014, the corresponding paragraph has been removed. Thus, for passengers as well as drivers the general obligation to wear seat belts is in effect. (StVO §21a Abs. 1)
Since 2007 smoking in the cab is prohibited both for the driver and passengers. This is especially valid for drivers, as this includes even times where no passengers are transported. (BNichtrSchG §1)
Classification of the taxi fleet in cabs for smokers and non-smokers therefore is redundant. Though, if you have to rely on a cab free of smoke, it may still be worthwile to mention it during booking.
Stopping in second row
Cabs may stop next to vehicles parking or stopping at the roadside to allow passengers boarding and deboarding. However, this only applies if the traffic situation is suitable. (StVO §12 ,para. 4, cl. 3)
Tariff obligation
Within the obligatory driving area of the City of Wolfsburg, calculating fares with the taximeter is regulated by law. Fares below or above the defined rate is prohibited. Solely for rides beginning or ending outside of this area alternatively a fixed price can be arranged.
Provided that you cant assess the costs of the ride adequatly, it is still recommended to insist on using the taximeter.
Taxi alarm
Every cab must be equipped with an alarm system to facilitate protection of the driving personnel. This alarm indicates an emergency in several variations:
- Headlights, rear indicators and horn are activated in intervals. (BOKraft §25 para. 2)
- Only the taxi sign flashes, possibly with additional red diodes depending on the model.
- Intrasystem alarm in the taxi center which allows the agents to coordinate help.
Especially in case of a "silent alarm" the driving personnel is always thankful for calling the police.
Taxi Colour
Traditionally, the colour of taxis is light ivory (RAL 1015) and universally regulated. (BOKraft §26)
However, concurrently exists an exemption clause of which several provinces, among them Lower Saxony, have made use of. In these provinces choice of the taxi colour is free. (BOKraft §43)
In Wolfsburg you will mostly encounter taxis in light ivory and black.
Taxi denomination
The naming of Taxis often leads to confusion. Thus, hereby follows a short explanation.
A hackney was a cart drawn by horses used for the transport of passengers in the 18th/19th century. Later on the motorized carriage became the successor to the hackney carriage, whose name soon changed to the short form taxi.
The taxi is derived from the taximeter already used in the hackneys with the appropriate plural being "Taxis". However, it is also common to use the name "Taxe" with the plural "Taxen". Though, the "Taxe" actually is an officially defined price (cf. visitors tax) and is also derived from the taximeter. Nonetheless, both names have prevailed in the German-speaking area with regional differences.
The cab is a reduction of the french "cabriolet" and is also derived from open hackney carriages which were first used for excursions and later for taxis. In the English-speaking area cab is the commonly used term.
Taxi sign
The taxi sign directly indicates the status of the taxi. It is enabled by the driving personnel and essentially varies between three signals:
- Taxi is free (sign is enabled)
- Taxi is occupied (sign is disabled)
- Silent alarm (sign flashes)
If you witness a flashing taxi sign please call the police immediately
Taxi Station
Taxi stations (also known as taxi stands) are used to hold taxis ready for passengers. Stopping or parking by other road users is strictly prohibited here. Even taxis are only permitted if they are actually on standby.
Taxi stations are marked with the traffic sign 229 and often include the permitted number of taxis. Furthermore, some taxi stations may only be operated at certain hours. However, this doesnt imply the obligation to operate all taxi stations at all times.
A taximeter (also odometer) calculates distance and fare of the ride. It is obligatory for all taxis and must contain the fare includig surcharges as well as applied rate. Furthermore, it must be illuminated. (BOKraft §28)
The fare consists of base fee, distance, waiting times and potential surcharges and special rates. Switching between traffic and customer waiting times takes place automatically. The rates itself follow the currently valid tariff regulations.
All taximeters are gauged once a year. After gauging the screws are sealed to make later manipulations impossible. As a result the taximeter represents the safest way to calculate correct fares according to the valid tariff. Its use is mandatory in the respective obligatory driving area.
Taxi rides are subject to two different tax rates.
The reduced tax rate of 7% is valid for all passenger transports which either only take place within the same borough or dont exceed a distance of 50 km.
The regular tax rate of 19% is valid for all distances above 50 km as well as generally for all transports which exclude passenger transportation.